Marley Film Streaming

21/10/2012 06:13

Marley streaming

Film du genre , Documentaire sortis à la date du 2012-06-13 et rélisé par Kevin Macdonald.
Avec : Bob Marley, Margaret James, Hugh Creek ‘Sledgo’ Peart, Cedella Marley Booker, Neville Bunny Wailer Livingston


I'm not a white boy, i'm not a black boy, i'm just a son of Jah, and Jah is everywhere, Jah is my steps, my breath, Jah is like the music, Jah and the music are my soul. Rastafarai forever, and, you know, you don't need to die to going in paradise, and Africa is paradise. I just want the peace between people, the black, the white, the chinese, i want the peace and that's all.
Personnages totalement funky, portrait instructif de l'artiste, anecdotes croustillantes, montage très bien ficelé. Du grand art.

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